

The API will be available at /api (no trailing slash).

Implemented data types

The following data-types have been implemented and can be used for Content-Type or Accept headers

  • application/json

Using the API

For all resource roots, GET functionality has been implemented. Please refer to the section Global GET Parameters to view available options. For all sub-components, the following operations have been implemented.

  • DELETE: Attempt to delete the resource. It will fail if it is a dependency for another object.

  • GET: retrieve data.

  • PATCH: update the resource but only modify the fields that have been sent.

    • If you wish to append values to a list, use the header X-Append: 1. If this is not present, it will replace the list.

  • POST: create a new resource. Response content will contain the newly-created object.

  • PUT: replace the existing object with the new one being sent.

If an error occurs, refer to the returned headers to find the issue.

Global Headers

The following global headers can be used when calling the API

  • Content-Type (str): incoming data format. Default is application/json

  • Accept (str): outgoing data format. Default is application/json

  • X-Beautify (integer): Display the returned data in a human-readable format

  • 1: Format the response body.

  • All other options: no formatting

Global GET Parameters

The following parameters are available for all root resources

  • fetch_all (int): Fetch all data related to the object versus the display field

  • 1: Fetch all data

  • All other options: only return the uri / display field

  • display_field (str): Default sort field. If fetch_all is not 1, this field will be returned as the value for the key pair

  • hide_resource (int): Hide any filter information related to the resource and only return the results

  • 1: Hide any filtering information

  • All other options: return all information

Searching via the API is done through the GET parameters. If no search logic is specified it will default to equals. To perform a search for a field include <field_name>.<operation>=search. The following operations are implemented:

  • eq: The field must be equal to the value. This is the default search if none is specified.

    To query all devices that use the device pool /api/walker/5 /api/device?walker.eq=/api/walker/5

    To query all devices that use the MAC address 06:81:91:10:2d:c8 /api/device?origin.mac_address.eq=06:81:91:10:2d:c8

  • like: Performs a similar search.

    To query all origins that begin with tx9s /api/device?

Response Headers

The following headers can be returned for all resources:

  • Location (str): Returned during a successful POST operation. States the URI of the newly created resource

  • X-Status (str): Human-readable result of the command

  • X-Uri (str): Returned during a successful POST operation. States the URI of the newly created resource

Status Codes

  • 200: Successfully found and returned the data

  • 201: Successfully created a new resource

  • 204: The resource has been successfully updated or replaced

  • 400: A required header was missing. Refer to the body of the response to determine the issue

  • 404: The resource ID was not found

  • 412: A dependency failed validation. Refer to the body for a list of failed dependencies (list of objects containing uri / display_name).

  • 422: An error occured while creating the resource. Refer to the body for the errors


MAD APKs allows an administrator to store APKs in the MAD Database to be used for the API or SmartJobs. Available endpoints are available on the MAD APK Page

Origin Hopper

Origin Hopper allows for rapid deployment of new devices into a MAD environment. It will generate an origin and create the device within MAD. This functionality is only available through the PogoDroid / MITM Receiver port.


URI: /api/area

The following is unique about areas:

  • A valid mode must be specified. If a mode is not specified or is not valid, 412 will be returned

  • Dependencies:

  • walkerarea


URI: /api/auth

There is no special handling for authentication


URI: /api/device

There is no special handling for devices


URI: /api/devicesetting

The following is unique about device pools:

  • Dependencies:

  • device


URI: /api/monivlist

The following is unique about Mon Lists:

  • Dependencies:

  • areas


URI: /api/walker

The following is unique about Mon Lists:

  • Removing a walker will check and remove any walkerareas assigned to the walker that are no longer in use

  • Dependencies:

  • device


URI: /api/walkerarea

The following is unique about Mon Lists:

  • Dependencies:

  • walker