
The following modes are available in the API:


Field Name Type Required Description
geofence_included String True Including geofence for scanarea
name String True Name of area
routecalc String True Name of routefile


Field Name Type Required Description
geofence_excluded String False Excluding geofence for scanarea
geofence_included String True Including geofence for scanarea
name String True Name of area
routecalc String True Name of routefile. MAD will automatically append '.calc' to this name.


Field Name Type Required Description
delay_after_prio_event Integer False Offset to be added to events such as spawns or raid starts. E.g. if you want to scan gyms at least a minute after an egg has hatched, set it to 60 (Default: empty)
Empty = Disable PrioQ
max_distance Decimal False Max. distance of walking - otherwise teleport to new location
min_time_left_seconds Integer False Ignore mons with less spawntime in seconds
mon_ids_iv String False IV List Resource
priority_queue_clustering_timedelta Decimal False Cluster events within the given timedelta in seconds. The latest event in time within a timedelta will be used to scan the clustered events (Default: 300)
remove_from_queue_backlog Boolean False Remove any events from priority queue that have been due for scanning before NOW - given time in seconds (Default: 0)
speed Decimal False Speed of player in kmh
starve_route Boolean False Disable round-robin of route vs. priority queue events. If True, your route may not be completed in time and e.g. only spawns will be scanned


Field Name Type Required Description
coords_spawns_known Boolean True Scan all spawnpoints or just ones with unknown endtimes
geofence_excluded String False Excluding geofence for scanarea
geofence_included String True Including geofence for scanarea
init Boolean True Set this open True, if you scan the area for gyms / spawnpoints the first time
name String True Name of area
routecalc String True Name of routefile


Field Name Type Required Description
delay_after_prio_event Integer False Offset to be added to events such as spawns or raid starts. E.g. if you want to scan gyms at least a minute after an egg has hatched, set it to 60 (Default: empty)
Empty = Disable PrioQ
init_mode_rounds Integer False Rounds in Init Mode. (Default: 1)
max_distance Decimal False Max. distance of walking - otherwise teleport to new location
min_time_left_seconds Integer False Ignore mons with less spawntime in seconds
mon_ids_iv String False IV List Resource
priority_queue_clustering_timedelta Decimal False Cluster events within the given timedelta in seconds. The latest event in time within a timedelta will be used to scan the clustered events (Default: 0)
remove_from_queue_backlog Decimal False Remove any events in priority queue that have been due for scanning before NOW - given time in seconds (Default: 0)
speed Decimal False Speed of player in kmh
starve_route Boolean False Disable round-robin of route vs. priority queue events. If True, your route may not be completed in time and e.g. only spawns will be scanned


Field Name Type Required Description
geofence_excluded String False Excluding geofence for scanarea
geofence_included String True Including geofence for scanarea
init Boolean True Set this open True, if you scan the area for gyms / spawnpoints the first time
level Boolean True Level up an account mode
name String True Name of area
route_calc_algorithm String False Method of calculation for routes. (Default optimized)
routecalc String True Name of routefile


Field Name Type Required Description
cleanup_every_spin Boolean False Cleanup quest inventory every spinned stop
ignore_spinned_stops Boolean False Do not spinn stops already made in the past (for levelmode)
max_distance Decimal False Max. distance of walking - otherwise teleport to new location
speed Decimal False Speed of player in kmh


Field Name Type Required Description
geofence_excluded String False Excluding geofence for scanarea
geofence_included String True Including geofence for scanarea
including_stops Boolean True Calculate route including stops to catch invasions.
init Boolean True Set this open True, if you scan the area for gyms / spawnpoints the first time
name String True Name of area
routecalc String True Name of routefile


Field Name Type Required Description
delay_after_prio_event Integer False Offset to be added to events such as spawns or raid starts. E.g. if you want to scan gyms at least a minute after an egg has hatched, set it to 60 (Default: empty)
Empty = Disable PrioQ
init_mode_rounds Integer False Rounds in Init Mode. (Default: 1)
max_distance Decimal False Max. distance of walking - otherwise teleport to new location
mon_ids_iv String False IV List Resource
priority_queue_clustering_timedelta Decimal False Cluster events within the given timedelta in seconds. The latest event in time within a timedelta will be used to scan the clustered events (Default: 0)
remove_from_queue_backlog Decimal False Remove any events in priority queue that have been due for scanning before NOW - given time in seconds (Default: 0)
speed Decimal False Speed of player in kmh
starve_route Boolean False Disable round-robin of route vs. priority queue events. If True, your route may not be completed in time and e.g. only spawns will be scanned